which sentence uses a colon or a semicolon correctly

In American English, the first word after a colon is capitalized when it begins a new sentence and when its a proper noun or acronym. I am confused by something found on your website. Should the comma be before and, or after still? Keep up the good work. Do I use a colon or a semicolon before a list? Could you please help me with the sentences below? Where can I find a reference to that rule? That is how it was explained to me. A friend is creating a website and Im helping edit it. Our Comma Rule 7a states, Use commas to set off expressions that interrupt the sentence flow (nevertheless, after all, by the way, on the other hand, however, etc. I didnt even realize it was a thing (outside APA format papers) to only do one space. It even proofreads your text, so your work is extra polished wherever you write. Our post Commas with Appositives says, The definition of an appositive is a word or word group that defines or further identifies the noun or noun phrase preceding it. Its beautiful, Michael said as he watched the sunset. A colon is also acceptable punctuation to introduce the names as a list or series. Since the purpose of punctuation is to make the meaning of what is written as clear as possible, I still use 3 spaces, since the extra space separates sentences from each other more than the single spaces after commas etc. Our Rule 3 of Colons states, When listing items one by one, one per line, following a colon, capitalization and ending punctuation are optional when using single words or phrases preceded by letters, numbers, or bullet points. The semicolon communicates a deeper relationship. Semicolons, Colons, and Dashes. Specifically, I am confused by Semicolons Rule 1 and Colons Rule 4. you mean to emphasize the second clause. I appreciate your time and attention to my query. The semicolon communicates a deeper relationship. Thanks. Since the holiday card season is upon us, I would like to know what you suggest. Sometimes, it is a very heated debate. Being oneself, being an individual, is important even in rough circumstances. He holds 28 medals, 23 of which are gold. period, an en dash between the adjective and the noun its describing makes the sentence clear. Dr. Charles and his wife, Judy, have three children, James, Carol, and Joseph. I drank my coffeeas I do every dayon the porch. A. lan bought spoons, forks, and knives: a spatula and ladle set: and a blender. The sentence is punctuated correctly. When you say that if the colon is followed by merely one complete sentence, that second clause should not be capitalized, but if it is followed by two or more, that same clause should be capitalized, do you mean two or more sentences in the same paragraph? It was a beautiful day: The sun was shining and the flowers were in full bloom. A Semi-colon(;) and a Colon(:) exist as both punctuation marks utilized in a sentence or phrase. Aidens family wanted to see the Blue Angels practice. Prior to this employment, I completed two long-term teaching positions in the Dallas School District, both in a Kindergarten and Fifth grade classroom. That being said, well just mention that sometimes, depending on the communicator, the format, and the audience, semicolons might be used to separate items in longer sentences or passages of text. It is possible for a clause to have two verbs. For reference, I copied and pasted the rulings below: Rule 1. How do you know? The temperature of the surrounding your text, so your work is extra polished wherever you write. Rule: Use a comma between two complete, long clauses (two subject and verb pairs) when conjunctions such as and, or, but, for, nor connect them. Rule 5: Use a Colon Following a Greeting. We venture that the following may be correct, although we really dont know what you are talking about: The enemy ignores any non-attack and non-block eects from red cards and unit abilities powered by red mana. She didn't see the other car coming; now her car has a huge dent. Semicolons should introduce evidence or a reason for the preceding statement; for example, this sentence appropriately uses a semicolon.A colon, on the other hand, should be used for a stronger, more direct relationship. The colon is used Call me tomorrow; I will give you my answer then. In the following sentence, a colon would be appropriate because the second sentence does explain/refer to the first one: Call me tomorrow: I will have had time to think about your question by then. There is some room for the writers opinion here, of course. btw I ordered the book, and it has helped tremendously with my grammar and punctuation. Semicolons represent two closely linked independent clauses. Another common mistake is using a semicolon where a colon should go. There are two things to note in the examples below. WebSemicolons are punctuation marks used to separate parts of sentences. I feel like I am using them too much in the beginning of sentences. Please see Rules 4, 5, 6, and 7 of Colons for more detailed explanations. Hyperbole B. Personification (this is the correct answer, by the way) C. Simile D. Idiom. 2B. Cant believe Ive never heard the one space rule? When the word already has a hyphen, a second one is added to show its both hyphenated, split across two linesand that second hyphen creates the. WebQuiz: Semicolons. 4.8. Is it a must to capitalize the letter after using the semicolon? If you see anything distracting, the sentence should be rewritten. The em-dash does not take comma after it. #8. The District in that sentence, is it supposed to start with capital letter? I dont know whether this is a difference between countries but Australia has traditionally used English as distinct from American English and up until about fifteen or so years ago there was no confusion but I notice this is changing rapidly here now as Australia becomes more and more Americanised. The two independent clauses could be joined by a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so) such as and. As it is computer and software dependent, you should proofread and always know how your programs are formatting for you. In the end, semicolons arent quite as complex as they are sometimes made out to be. In our law firm, we often request lists of items from opposing counsel. Think of it as shorthand for a, . This may leave you wondering if you should use a colon or a semicolon to connect two independent clauses. I wonder if it is correct If I use a colon in a slide header such as Program for Promoting Four Core Strategic Industries: Precision Health, or The 5 Industrial Transformation Plan: Biomedical. In the sentence (below) would I use a comma before the names of the children, and does it depend on how many names there are? I am trying to write job qualifications in a cover letter, paragraph style, but I am caught up on where I should put semi colons vs. commas. Thank you. If the two clauses are merely related, not necessarily sequential in thought, use a semicolon. The colon is correct but the comma after the word way is unnecessary. George Stevens[,] a fire fighter in the area responded by saying that it was an accident. The work adults do as mothers and fathers and as low-level workers and high-level bosses shapes womens and mens life experiences, and these experiences produce different feelings, consciousness, relationships, skills ways of being that we call feminine or masculine. For example, is the sentence below grammatically correct? You could also rewrite it to form two sentences. How To Use a Colon Correctly. Viva la difference! Whats going on here? The successive statement is following Note, which is an incomplete sentence. A semi-colon stand is essentially utilized to bring together two WebRules for Using Semicolons A semicolon is most commonly used to link (in a single sentence) two independent clauses that are closely related in thought. (Do I need the comma after teacher? 2. WebA colon can be used to link one independent clause to another. The guidelines for using them aren't especially tricky so let's consider the primary jobs carried out by What Are Syllables, and How Do You Count Them? Unfortunately, forms such as yours remove the second space unless is added to the code. The assumption is its from all of the people mentioned in the heading. The style manuals do not address the concern of excessive colons. There should be commas after the words fathers and bosses. From commas to periods and colons to interrobangs, correctly punctuating text can take quite a bit of effort and understanding. We recommend commas instead of semicolons in the sentence that follows as there are no commas contained in the individual items in the series. If you are using an old typewriter, you may use two spaces after periods and colons as it improves readability. Likewise, is the comma before please necessary (Can you help me move this couch, please?)? precede the list. We will advise you on the following: a) marketing documentation including teaser, IM, process letter, etc. Semicolons should introduce evidence or a reason for the preceding statement; for example, this sentence appropriately uses a semicolon. The colon is unnecessary. I usually order my cards online and include the comma. The space size can be the same whether you push once or twice, depending on the software. However they choose to write, people are allowed to make their own decisions; as a result, many people swear by their writing methods. Whats going on here? A single, is a separate punctuation mark that serves a completely different purpose: to join two words to create a, There are three different dashes you can use in your. Colons (:) are used in sentences to show that something is following, like a quotation, example, or list. Using one space after a period, colon, question mark, or exclamation point at the end of a sentence is correct. He cares for no one: he is the epitome of selfish. Single space after a period is now the accepted practice. Because we would not say long two independent clauses, no comma. In order to engage all students, I incorporate accommodations into lessons and activities, maintain effective communication with special and regular education staff, and ensure that IEP goals are properly met. However, a better sentence would read: an elementary teaching position in your district Also #2. WebUse a Colon To Link Closely Related Sentences When two sentences are directly related, you can connect them with a colon. () is slightly shorter than the em dash, but still longer than a single hyphen. Do not use a semicolon when a dependent clause comes before an independent clause.As we have stated above, semicolons can be used to join two complete sentences. Purpose of semicolons. We do note a spelling error with an extra s at the end of the word moon.

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